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In a 72-hour development timeline, with a team of fellow UCLA students, we illustrated and designed a game in which the main character explores her grandpa's old attic after his passing, where some items trigger flashbacks with him from her childhood. The game explores the complex nature of familial relationships, where the player has fond memories with her grandpa but their bond widens as they disagree on where she should go to college; in hindsight, she wonders if their relationship could have been reconciled. 


  • Designed the art and color scheme for the characters, environment, and art assets for the game using Procreate.

  • Collaborated alongside a team of UCLA students for a 3-day project discussing and brainstorming gameplay and narrative.

  • Implemented assets into the game using Unity and Github.


  • The game was featured on the front page of's New and Popular Category

  • Received 4.2/5 for mood, 4.35/5  for graphics

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